Monday 9 March 2020

Buying New Compact Solar Water Heater Kit

When it comes to solar water heating systems, there are so many options coming up in your mind. One of the latest options you should go for is the New Compact Solar Water Heaters by Northern Lights.

This solar water heater is ideal for those who are looking for a way to heat water at their homes. It’s a better alternative to the advanced closed loop solar water heaters as it comes with no moving parts or pump. The solar water heater really works well in southern climates as they seldom receive freezing conditions. This system is really good to work up to 20 F (-5 C) temperature.

The water heating kit is generally installed on the ground or on the roof. However, a 80 gallon storage tank is integrated with the solar vacuum tubes and provide enough hot water to a family with four to five persons.

What makes New Compact Solar Water Heaters perfect to use at home?

Northern Lights New Compact Solar Water Heaters are probably the most cost-effective water heating solution available. They use High Performance TZ58 1800 SunRain Solar Collectors like all the available Northern Lights solar water heaters.

All of the units are designed specifically for domestic hot water and come with storage tank and heat pipe vacuum tubes integrated into a complete unit. Rest assured that, the units are certified by SRCC to provide hot water for family of four to five persons. As discussed above, a 80 gallon storage tank is provided and is made of stainless steel and is heavily insulated.

How do These Water Heating Systems Work?

Generally, a compact solar water heater should be installed on a roof that faces south or mounted on ground with the 45 degree frame system. The connection and installation of the entire system is simple and easy.

The intake of cold water from the house gets connected to one end and the hot water supply to the end. 30 vacuum tubes contain pumps present inside the tank. The water gets heater through the energy transferred from the vacuum tubes to the heating pipes and then to the potable water. The hot water goes up the tank, where it starts supplying water to the household.

Efficiency and Maintenance-Free

These solar water heating systems are considered as efficient and don’t require maintenance as they use a vacuum tube with a heat pipe and a heat exchanger that is sealed internally. Therefore, you won’t need to stress about any leakage when the tub gets damaged. Whenever a tub is broken, replace the vacuum tube with a new one and your system continue working without one tube.

No Use of Electricity

This solar water heater is a pressurized system and doesn’t have pumps. The water starts moving around the system through the pressure of the municipal supply water. Whenever you open the hot water faucet, the hot water from the tank flows outside and the cold water gets in the tank for heating by solar vacuum tubes.

No Over-Heating

A compact solar water heating kit comes with built-in air release valve and a temperature and pressure valve that opens at 90 C or 194 F. When the system gets hot, it will vent off the additional heat effortlessly.

Rust-free Material

Northern Lights uses stainless steel made inner and outer tank to prevent rusting. Custom logs are available to label your water heater.

Affordability –
These systems cost slightly more than an ordinary water tank. But the life expectancy is around double as no heating element or gas burner is present which eventually fails over time. In addition to, there is 30% federal tax credit and state tax credit available for investing in the OG-300 Certified Complete Solar Hot Water System.
Even, you don’t need to call a solar installer for its setup as it can be done by you or general contractor. But you have to check the local building codes. The payback of a compact solar water heater is one to three years and in Hawaii it can be three months.

Bottom Line –

If you really want to know more about these solar water heaters, feel free to contact Solar Tubs as soon as possible. For more information, please browse our website at

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