Monday, 25 November 2019

Understanding SunRain Solar Pool Pump Station and Controller

Are you looking to buy Northern Lights solar pool heating systems? They feature with SunRain Pump Station and ReSol Differential Controller. However, SunRain is the largest manufacturer of solar vacuum systems around the world and ReSol has been the premier name in the solar controller industry for the last 20 years.

SunRain Solar Pump Station –

The pump station is the complete pump-fill system for the closed loop of Northern Lights pool heating systems. They feature with all mechanical components to commission of solar heating loop quickly like a Wilo Star 15 Star15 energy efficient solar pump available in three speeds.

The solar pump station has a fill and drain hose connection to pressurize the system quickly. A glass flow meter is present to set the flow rate of the system. To set the working pressure, a manual temperature and pressure gauge is present.

The system features a pressure safety valve for additional safety. The SunRain Pump station is made from 100% brass and comes with completely insulated casing. The solar pump station is available in 110 VAC and 220 VAC.

ReSol DeltaSol AL Controller –

The ReSol DeltaSol AL solar differential controller comes with all features required to increase your return on your solar pool heaters. This controller has the 2 Pt1000 high temperature sensors that features a third reference sensor. There’s a quick graphic display and an integrated VBus connection that connects to a DL2 data logger to offer real time and high performance to any smart phone or PC.

However, the ReSol Controller connects to the SunRain Pump station directly. The solar collector temperature should be switched on or off based on the solar collector temperature relative to the pool. The controller features with collector cooling and pool or tank cooling in the evening. The AL collector has built-in freeze protection.

If the collectors are warmer than the pool water by 4 degrees F or more and the pool is underneath the desired temperature, the pump will be activated. This allows for collection of heat from the collectors to the solar pool heat exchanger.  The collection of heat gets stopped when the solar temperature remains within I.5 degrees F pool temperature. The temperature of pool exceeds the chosen desired temperature.

The Features –

Automatic Cooling –

If the solar collectors are cooler than pool water by 8 degrees F or more and the pool is above the preferred temperature, the valve starts rotating that allows cooling through the solar collectors. The heat dissipation goes on until the collectors go above to 3 degrees F of the pool temperature or the pool temperature is below the preferred temperature.

Single Setting for Preferred Temperature –

By the help of a single dial adjustment, Aqua Solar can be set as per the desired pool temperature which is clearly indicated. The dial is calibrated with the temperature that ranges from 70 degree F to 104 degrees F ensuring fast, easy and user-friendly operation.

The set temperature indicates the preferred pool temperature. The Aqua Solar will determine whether the water should be heated or cooled, enhancing the solar system abilities.

Terminal Strip Connections –

The connections are there for input power and sensor inputs. They have industry-standard 3 pin connectors for the operation of both forward and reverse valve actuator.

LED Display –

There’s a LED display that shows the status of the entire system operation. Aqua Solar comes with optional valve output that allows for secondary zone of either a pump or a three way valve.

System Operation and Test Switch –

This allows the user to override the automatic function of Aqua Solar manually to verify the operations.

Bottom Line –

Are you thinking to buy solar pool heaters? If yes, please visit our website at

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Why Do You Invest in Solar Water Heater Panels?

Solar water heater panels are perfect options to minimize energy costs associated with water heating. Rather than investing in other sources, there’s another alternative, i.e. solar energy. When it comes to using solar water heating panels, the solar energy is utilized to heat water, stored in a solar hot water tank and drawn on when needed.

As with most things, there are so many advantages of solar water heating systems. If you want to install solar thermal panels to heat water for your home, here are some of the best reasons discussed below: